Ho ricevuto vari messaggi tramite Raverly per avere la traduzione del pattern del cappellino cactus in inglese.
Ho provato a tradurle eccole qui:
I received several messages through Raverly for the translation of the pattern of cap cactus in English.
I tried to translate them here they are (Once again excuse my English!):
I tried to translate them here they are (Once again excuse my English!):
The hat is worked with straight needles but you can achieve with the two points needles or circular needles using the magic loop method: in this case you do not need to sew. If like me you prefer to use the straight needles to facilitate the seam I suggest you always work the first stitch at right (K1), also in wrong rows. At the end you just have to take all the knots thus obtained with the needle.
YARN: about 50 g (1 balls) of Cablé 2005 filature Sesia, few orange cotton thread of the same type .
NEEDLES: SIZE 3 mm (2-1/2).
HOOK: SIZE 3 mm.
CO 84 sts. and work 10 rows in stokinette st.
Then you continue in diamond stitch for 15 cm.
1 row: K1 to end.
2 row: k1 (p2, yo, k2, pass slip yo over k2) to last 3 sts, p2, k1
3 row: K1 to end.
4 row: K1 (yo, k2, pass slip yo over k2, p2) to last 3 sts, k2, pass slip yo over k2, K1.
5 row: K1 to end.
(WS) Work 1 row as follows:
1 row: k1 (p2tog, yo, k2, pass slip yo over k2) to last 3 sts, p2tog, k1.
2 row: K1 to end.
3 row: p2tog to end.
Pass a cable through the remaining sts. Holding the cable.
Sew the part of the hat worked in stokinette st. right side, because this then will be roll on itself, sew the rest of the hat on the right side.
FLOWER: I improvised it.
You can work as follows or improvised you to:
Chain 6 and join into a ring.
Round 1 : Chain 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc 11 times into ring, join with a sl st to 3rd chain of initial chain 3 (12 stitches/spokes in the wheel). Fasten off.
Round 2 : You are working out of the stitches in this round.
Chain 4 (counts as chain 3, plus 1 sc), miss a stitch, then make 1 sc into next stitch.
*Chain 3, miss a stitch, then sc into next stitch*
Repeat between **, four more times until you get back to the beginning. Sl st into first chain.
You should have 6 chain-3 loops around your middle wheel.
Round 3 : In this round, you are working out of the chain-3 loops you just made.
To make the first petal, work the following stitches, all under the first chain-3 loop :
*sl st, hdc, hdc, dc,3ch,dc hdc, hdc, sl st*.
Repeat between **,five more times, working your way round under each chain-3 loops to create six petals in total. Fasten off.
With yarn held at the front of the flower, pull a loop through any central "missed stitch" from the first round.
For each small petal, work out of the missed stitch as follows:
*sc, hdc, dc,ch,dc hdc, sc*.
Repeat between **, five more times, working your way round the flower and creating each small petal out of the central "missed stitches" of the first round.
Join to first sc with sl st.
Ciao Katy,
RispondiEliminasono passata a trovarti....pensavo di essere capitata su un blog anglossassone....scherzo.
beata te che sai l'inglese...io quando devo tradurre i pattern dall'inglese sudo sette camicie..tra il traduttore di google che non conosce il linguaggio tecnico delle creative..e il vocabolario e tanto intuito alla fine ce la faccio.
Un caro saluto