AliSquish si è offerta di tradurre per me il modello che aveva già realizzato (pensate ha messo come immagine del profilo proprio il coprifasce :-) ).
Size 0-3 months
needles size us 2-1/2
approximately 100 gram baby yarn
abbreviations: wyf: with yarn in front
wyb: with yarn in back
gl: gathering loop- insert needle from below under the 3 loose strands, yo, pull through (gathering loop), purl next stitch then slip gathering loop over purled stitch
PM: Place marker
CO 54 sts
R 1-3 Work 3 rows in garter-stitch.
R 4 Knit row across to last 5 stitches, k2tog, yo knit 3.
R5 Knit row
R6 K12 (back), PM, K4 (sleeve), PM, K22 (front), PM, K4 (sleeve), PM, K12
Round neck as follows:
R7 K11, YO, K2, YO, K2, YO, K2, YO, K20, YO, K2, YO, K2, YO, K11 (62 sts)
R8 K5, P52, K5
R9 K12, YO, K2, YO, K4, YO, K2, YO, K22, YO, K2 , YO, K4, YO, K2, YO, K12 (70 sts)
backs (14 sts) each, sleeve (8) each, front (26)
R10 K5, P60, K5
R11 (RS) K6, wyf sl 5, wyb k2, yo, k2, yo, k6, yo, k2, yo, k4, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, yo, k2, yo, k6, yo, k2, yo, k2, wyf sl 5, wyb k6
R12 k5, P to last 5 stitches, K5
R13 K6, wyf sl 5, wyb k3, yo, k2, yo, k2, wyf sl 5, wyb k1, yo, k2, yo, k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k5,
wyf sl 5, wyb k6, yo, k2, yo, k2, wyf sl 5, wyb k1, yo, k2, yo, k3, wyf sl 5, wyb k6
R14 k5, P to last 5 stitches, K5
R15 K6, wyf sl 5, wyb k4, yo, k2, yo, k3, wyf sl 5, wyb k2, yo, k2, yo, k6, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k7, yo, k2, yo, k3, wyf sl 5, wyb k2, yo, k2, yo, k4, wyf sl 5, wyb k6
R16 K5, p3, gl, p33, gl, p9, gl, p32, gl, p3, k2tog, yo, k3
R17 k10, wyf sl 5, wyb k1, yo, k2, yo, k4, wyf sl 5, wyb k3, yo, k2, yo, k2, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k3, yo, k2, yo, k4, wyf sl 5, wyb k3, yo, k2, yo, k1, yo, k1, wyf sl 5, wyb k10
R18 k5, purl to last 5 sts, k5 PICK UP gl for sleeves
R19 k10, wyf sl 5, wyb k2, yo, k2, yo, k1, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 4, yo, k2, yo, k3, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k4, yo, k2, yo, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 4, yo, k2, yo, k1, wyf sl 5, wyb k10
R20 k5, purl to last 5 sts, k5
R21 k10, wyf sl 5, wyb k3, yo, k2, yo, k2, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 4, yo, k2, yo, k4, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, yo, k2, yo, k1, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, yo, k2, yo, k3, wyf sl 5, wyb k10
R22 k5, p7, gl, p36, gl, p9, gl, p9, gl, p35, gl, p5, k5
R23 k6, wyf sl 5, wyb k8, yo, k2, yo, k3, wyf sl 5, wyb k4, wyf sl 5, wyb k1, yo, k2, yo,
(wyf sl 5, wyb k5) 3 times, wyf sl 5, wyb k1, yo, k2, yo, k2, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl 5, wyb k1, yo, k2, yo, k8, wyf sl 5, wyb k6
R24 k5, p21, gl, p9, gl, p51, gl, p8, gl, p23, k5
R25 k6, wyf sl 5, wyb k9, yo, k2, yo, k8, wyf sl 5, wyb k7, yo, k2, yo, (wyf sl 5, wyb k5) 3 times, wyf sl 5, wyb k2, yo, k2, yo, k8, wyf sl 5, wyb k7, yo, k2, yo, k9, wyf sl 5, wyb k6
R26 k5, p to last 5 stitches, k5
R27 k6, wyf sl 5, wyb k10, yo, k2, yo, k9, wyf sl 5, wyb k8, yo, k2, yo, k1, (wyf sl 5, wyb k5) 3 times, wyf sl 5, wyb k3, yo, k2, yo, k9, wyf sl 5, wyb k8, yo, k2, yo, k10, wyf sl 5, wyb k6
R28 k5, p3, gl, p47, (gl, p9) 3 times, gl, p44, gl, p3,k5
R29 k22, yo, k2, yo, k9, wyf sl5, wyb k9, yo, k2, yo, k41, yo, k2, yo, k10, wyf sl 5, wyb k9, yo, k2, yo, k22
R30 k5, p32, gl, p72, gl, p32, k2tog, yo, k3
R31 k to sleeve (27) sts and place on holder, CO 3, knit to second sleeve, place sts on holder, CO 3, knit to end (back-24, back-45)
R32 knit across (99 sts)
R33 k7(yo, k2tog, k1) repeat to last 5 sts, k5
R34-35 Knit across
R36 (ALL WS ROWS) k5, purl to last 5 stitches, k5
R37 k7, (ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k3) repeat to last 7 sts, k7
R41 k11, (ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k3), repeat to last 11 sts, k11
Repeat above 8 rows for a total of 3 times, Repeat rows 36-39 once more.
Knit 6 rows of garter-stitch.
Weave in ends.
SLEEVES: knitted in the round on 4 dpn size 3
kgl: move yarn to the front, slip needle under 3 loops, yo and pull up a loop (gathering loop), k1, slip gathering loop over knitted stitch.
Place 27sts from holder (27) and 3 from CO underarm (30 sts)
Place marker before/after co. Not in the middle of 5 sts in patten.
Row 1, 3. 5: K10, wyf sl 5, wyb k5, wyf sl5
Row 2, 4: Knit row
Row 6: k12, kgl, k9, kgl, k7
Row 7, 9, 11: k5, (wyf sl 5, wyb k5) twice, wyf sl 5
Row 8, 10: Knit row
Row 12: k7, (kgl, k9) 3 times, k9, kgl, k2
Row 13, 15, 17: (wyf sl 5, wyn k5) 3 times
Row 14, 16: Knit row
Row 18: k2, (kgl, k9) 2 times, kgl, k7
Repeat rows 7-18 once more.
knit 6 rows of garter stitch begin with knit row.
BO loosely.
Repeat for other sleeve.
Weave in loose ends.
Weave in ribbon in waistline and attach buttons in back.
Poi un'altra ragazza di Raverly ha scritto questo commento:
Katy, I am SO sorry that you have decided not to translate your patterns, they are so lovely, and this smocked dress is beautiful.
I have just read a couple of your patterns and had NO trouble following your instructions. I think that you did/do a great job with your translations. Please don't let a few rude people discourage you. Some people are never happy and should go elsewhere for patterns.
Hugs, Heather in Canada
Un vero balsamo per il mio cuore di maglierista!!!!
A presto! (mi sa che riproverò con le traduzioni...appena avrò un po' più di tempo!!)
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